Matt Kownacki

Just saw your post and it reminded me to thank you and let you know what effect your knowledge has had on my gains as well. Although I’ve only had one fitness assessment with you, I still remember a large portion of what you taught me that day. I’ll definitely be coming in for another assessment in the future to compare how far I’ve come since – but I think I’ve come pretty far despite having been busy with school and mainly working off of your advice and the tips I learned that day and what I’ve learned from my own research. I like how you actually use science (and not broscience) as your basis on how to eat and train. You’re honestly one of the only PT’s I know or have seen who answers questions based on solid research, and it shows. By that I mean I’ve seen so many trainers who don’t look like they practice what they preach (“your trainer needs a trainer”). Thanks for all the help man, you’re helping more people than you think because I share what you’ve taught me with others all the time!

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