When I first started working out with Jamie, I was lost. I couldn’t play hockey because of an injury, so I decided to take about 6 months off from any kind of exercise. I gained unwanted weight very quickly and before I knew it I was weighing the heaviest I had ever been in my life. Jamie really took the time to teach me about optimal nutrition and how it can be used to defeat genetics. He took the time to teach me about implementing a proper weight lifting program that would give my muscles time to rest but still push them to the limit. I learned about correct form for lifting and it really helped me in the long run in terms of seeing results. In the end I would recommend Jamie to anyone who is seeking a trainer that devotes his time to someone who really wants to reach his or her goals. He stands beside you and encourages you to hold yourself accountable when you hit some speed bumps on the road to success. Most importantly he has become a good friend and an even better mentor. Excited to keep training with Jamie.

Christian Rodriguez
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