Harneet Sidhu

My fitness journey with Jameson began a year ago when I was looking into learning how to weight train. As someone who had never been athletic or into working out, I wanted a trainer who was personable and would motivate me to make fitness part of my lifestyle. I began training with Jameson once a week, and loved my sessions with him. He not only made sure that I learned proper form, but also worked on tracking my nutrition. I was then able to feel confident applying what I learned on my own. I later started training twice a week with Jameson, and looked forward to every session. He pushed me in every class, and I always left feeling stronger both mentally and physically. Jameson started off as my trainer, and easily became a friend. I’m so glad I decided to start training with him, and would recommend him to anyone who wants a personal trainer or nutritional coach.

– Harneet Sidhu