Effects from High Protein Diets
Incredible study on Increases in dietary Protein intake and metabolism: Study: Twenty-five people lived in a metabolic ward for 12 weeks and were fed a diet at 140% of their basal metabolic…
Bodybuilding Prep VIDEO: Entire Days Nutrition & Training for PhotoShoot
A Welcomed Surprise 2 Weeks ago I had an unsuspected surprise. My sister’s boyfriend works for Oh boy productions, the same videography company who filmed my segment of Empowered Health on CHEK…
Protein Ice Cream – Dream Come True?
Ice cream is definitely one of my favorite desserts, especially ice milk in Reese Cup Blizzards to be exact. Unfortunately when dieting down to very lean body fat levels it becomes difficult to…
Miracle Berry Fruit: Psychedelics For Your Taste Buds
The Miracle Berry Fruit A couple weeks ago, with the help of the interwebz, I discovered a fairly new trend in the culinary realms that have been using of a little West…
Omega Fish Oil – The Real Oily Deal
Omega Fish Oil – The Real Oily Deal A good friend of mine, and client, asked me about omega fish oil supplementation and omega 3 fatty acids, here is my response:Long chain…
Quest Protein Bars: Another Hyped Up Candy Bar?
Quest Protein Bars: Another Hyped Up Candy Bar? Last week I ordered from The Low Carb Grocery in Burnaby BC and decided to try out the new (newish) Quest…
Low Calorie Recipes: Dessert Sauces & Dips Part II
Low Calorie Recipes: Dessert Sauces & Dips Part II In my last post on 0 calorie desserts and syrups (here) I reviewed Walden Farms Caramel Syrup and their Chocolate Dip products. Today I wan’t to…
Low Calorie Recipes: Store Bought Salad Dressings Part III
Low Calorie Recipes: Store Bought Salad Dressings Part III In the past months I’ve been having a blast buying and trying some low to zero calorie products from The Low Carb Grocery in Burnaby BC. It…
Low Calorie Recipes: Store Bought Salad Dressings
Low Calorie Recipes: Store Bought Salad Dressings For a lot of my clients, and myself, we take our bodies to the extreme and get down to single digit body fat levels.…
Low Calorie Recipes: Peanut Butter
Low Calorie Recipes: Peanut Butter This week I found a new store in burnaby BC that carries a variety of “health” products and alternative food options for good prices and great shipping.…
My NEW Ferrari… The Best Blender
The Best Blender Yesterday I finally decided I needed to stop playing around with 100 dollar junk blenders and go to the proven investment for the best blender and most bang for…
The Importance Of Sleeping and Physique Transformation
Are you sleeping? So you’ve finally decided its time for a change. Its time to shed all that unwanted body fat, become healthy and fit, and maybe build some muscle too. You’ve…
To Do Or Not To Do: Best Exercises to Choose
What are the best exercises I should be doing? A simple question, but for many, a confusing and uncommon answer. The fitness industry is constantly evolving with new gimmicks, methods, and products.…
Good Posture Part III: Hyper Lordosis And The Bulging Belly
Do you have good posture? This post is Part III of the series of posts I’m doing for Good Posture. Click here for Part I and here for Part II. Today post will…
Good Posture Part II: Forward Head Posture
Do you have good posture? If you missed Part I in the series of posts I’m doing for Good Posture Correction you can see it here. As mentioned in Part I, too…
Good Posture Part I: Rounded Shoulders
Do you have good posture? Anyone whose thinking about starting a fitness program on their quest to get that flat stomach or ripped peaked biceps knows they’re going to have to use…
My Secret Muscle Building Weapon I Use At Home
POWERBLOCK dumbbells are a great investment for a home gym for any weekend warrior or professional. Ps. I don’t make a dime off them for promoting them, but maybe I should…. ;)…