To Do Or Not To Do: Best Exercises to Choose

best exercises

What are the best exercises I should be doing?

A simple question, but for many, a confusing and uncommon answer. The fitness industry is constantly evolving with new gimmicks, methods, and products. Some of the products turn out to be extremely effective and make our lives easier while others are a complete waste of cash and are better used as clothes hangers and drying racks.

New and improved training methods and ideologies are always being created and practiced, and this is vital. Most new methods come from past methods and are modified and enhanced through technique and discipline.  But today lets look at exercise selection and what are some of the most effective ways to burn body fat and build muscle.

Exercise Selection – Compound vs. Isolation Exercises

Before we dive into specific exercises lets look at two different kinds. Compound exercises are basically exercises that use multiple muscles and multiple joints. Isolation exercises use fewer muscles over only one joint. BOTH have their place in fat loss and muscle building programs but BOTH should be treated differently.

Examples of Compound Exercises:
Barbell Deadlift
Back Squat
Push Up

Examples of Isolation Exercises:
– Dumbbell Flyes

– Leg Extensions
– Leg Curls
Overhead Triceps Extension

What is more effective?

Isolation exercises targeting a specific muscle group can be great for those who may have a muscle imbalance or are lacking size. Bodybuilders whose sport involves perfect asymmetry, definition, and shape can benefit from isolation exercises but only when they have covered the foundation of their training through compound exercises first.

You see, compound movements simply use more muscles therefore its harder and therefore its more effective. This is the main reason I would categorize them as the “best exercises”. Lets Look at leg extensions where the main muscles targeted are the Quadriceps. Now compare that to the Squat, the quadriceps, glutes, hamstrings, abductors, core, back, etc.. are all being used to work and stabilize the body.

Simply put, Compound exercises use more muscles in less time, allow for heavier lifting, are more taxing on the Central Nervous System (CNS), promote greater hormone production (Growth Hormone and Testosterone), and use more energy.


So Compound exercises are more effective in building muscle mass and maximizing fat loss…


Let’s take this a step further and look at the difference between Machines and Free Weights

What is more effective?

We already know that compound exercises can be more effective and a great “bang for your buck”. But believe it or not, there is a significant difference between sitting on a machine and lifting a free standing weight.

EXQUISITE EXAMPLE         Leg Press Vs. Barbell Back Squat

Both use the quadriceps, glutes, hamstrings but only one provides maximum muscle stimulation because of the extra concentration it takes to balance and stabilize the weight or load. This means greater muscle fiber/motor unit recruitment, greater CNS stimulation, more core engagement, and more energy used.

All of this equates to greater muscle building and fat loss potential.    Eureka!

Machines take the balance out of the equation and make certain exercises less functional as it takes away from the natural 3 dimensional movements involved during free weights (Depending on your definition of functional).

With all that being said most things in life have a purpose and machines are no different. Machines can be fantastic for individuals with low levels of muscular conditioning and strength, rehabilitation, and for bodybuilders looking to target specific muscle fibers. Some machines allow for positions not easily achieved through free weights and thus are functional to the person who needs them.

best exercises


The majority of one’s fat loss and muscle building workouts (lifting weights, resistance training) should consist of compound exercises using free weights. These would be the best exercises. Compound exercises dominate BUT isolation movements are not to be ignored for optimal results. Machines and Free Weights BOTH are very useful but if I had to choose between the two I would pick a good set of dumbbells and my own body weight any day!

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