Fructose, a killer??

Fructose’s unhealthy effects are rooted in rodent and human research where unrealistically high amounts of fructose are administered.

Recent reviews have shown this to be a non issue in “normal” dietary intakes.

Also, a recent review of the USDA food availability data system and found that fructose availability from 1970-2009 increased 0%!
WHILE glucose increased 13.0%, and energy available from protein, carbohydrate and fat increased 4.7%, 9.8% and 14.6%, respectively. 

“Our findings indicate that fructose per se was not a unique causal factor in promoting obesity during 1970-2009. Rather, we conclude that increased total energy intake, due to increased availability of foods providing glucose (primarily as starch in grains) and fat, to be a significant contributor to increased obesity in the US.”


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