MILK vs. BEEF Protein Post Workout??

Protein consumed AFTER resistance exercise increases post-exercise muscle protein synthesis rates.
BOTH the beef and milk condition significantly increased myofibrillar protein synthesis – BUT milk’s effect was significantly greater at 2 hours post-exercise.
*This difference was ABSENT after 5 hours post-exercise*
This was likely due to the fact the milk had more carbs and less fat compared to the beef protein and increased higher plasma leucine and insulin levels.
Milk MAY be a better choice than beef in the early post-exercise for muscle growth HOWEVER this is an acute study and does NOT prove long term muscle growth benefits.
“And now we wait for that longitudinal beef versus whey comparison, carried out in trained subjects on a progressive resistance exercise program and a macro-nutritionally optimized diet (dare to dream!).” – Alan Aragon
– AARR Sept 2015